
Beyond the Athlete

925 W Huron St Apt 226 Chicago, IL 60642-7902 UNITED STATES


Beyond the Athlete is dedicated to empowering athletes as they transition from sports to adult life through workshops, educational content, and individual or group coaching programs. Our mission is to reduce mental health challenges and loss of identity in post-athletic life.

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Example Proposal for Educational Materials on Life After Sports

This Toolkit Proposal examples offers a comprehensive program designed to provide athletes with the necessary skills to safely and intentionally transition into life after sport. With a primary focus on personal identity and lifestyle change, athletes will be empowered to redefine success and find fulfillment beyond the field of play.


Example of Workshop Series Proposal

The Life After Sport Workshop Series Proposal is designed to provide comprehensive support and guidance for athletes as they navigate the transition from competitive sports to the next phase of their lives.


Example of PDF Proposal

The Life After Sport Toolbox Proposal outlines a comprehensive resource guide designed to support athletes as they navigate the transition from sports to post-athletic life. This toolbox provides a curated collection of self-reflective questions, practical tips, and resources to help athletes develop resilience, clarity, and purpose during this pivotal phase of their lives.


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